Net Price Calculator

Learn what you’ll likely pay + what financial assistance is available


Let’s talk affordability.

We know that calculating the cost of attendance is one of the most important parts of choosing a college. While every student’s scenario is unique, we’ve designed this tool to help you get a pretty close idea of what you will pay. Don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our admissions counselors if you have any trouble!



The Student Debt Trend

The student debt trend is a nationwide issue for college students, particularly those who attend private Christian schools. The goal of The Institute is to equip students to be capable, competent laborers for the kingdom of God, students who have a top-notch biblical education, and are ready to go into the workforce or further studies having the mind of Christ characterize whatever work they perform. That goal can only be accomplished if our graduates enter into the next phase of life debt free.

—The College Board

—Department of Education



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*Institute statistics calculated from years 2007-2020.